Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan-Tatum, who are expecting their first child together, shared an adorable family photo with their fans on Christmas Day."Merry Christmas!" Channing, 32, captioned the image on his WhoSay page. In the loving snapshot, the proud dad-to-be wrapped his hand around Jenna's pregnant belly as they both gave big smiles for the camera.
"Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all!" Jenna, 32, tweeted. "Hope you are having fun with loved ones! Xox."
The stylish pregnant star ,is now about three months along !
The Vow actor and his wife of three years confirmed their pregnancy news to Us Weekly on Dec. 17. Since then, Jenna has been proudly stepping out showing off her growing baby bump.
"Channing is so excited for the baby," a friend of the couple told Us. "He's been wanting this a long time. They are over the moon about becoming parents."
And they're not worried about being first-time parents because they've had practice -- with their dogs, Lulu and Meeka.
"They are kids without being kids," Jenna said. "It's good prep."